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Nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft

Issue date: 
September 23, 2010

Laos, Finland and World Bank cooperate in sustainable forestry management

(KPL) The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and donors of the Sustainable Forestry and Rural Development Project (SUFORD) were satisfied with the progress that had been achieved.

Issue date: 
September 27, 2010

Primary Accumulation and the Environment

Indian political and economic elites appear to be quite optimistic on various economic, social and environmental questions: there is a satisfactory rate of economic growth, the promulgation of the Forest Rights Act (2006) aims to remedy historical i

Issue date: 
22 September 2010

Cambodian Buddhist monk wins UNDP environmental award

Issue date: 
27th September 2010

Degradation is in the Eye of the Beholder

In the discussion about where oil palm and other plantations should go we talk so easily about degraded lands. But the concept is not straightforward.

Issue date: 
September 29, 2010

In Honduras, REDD Projects Hold Real Potential for Communities and the Environment

In July, Honduras held its first national workshop on climate change and forests, called "Opportunities for Honduras to Participate in the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Mechanism," with support from the Rainforest Alliance, the United States Agency for In

Issue date: 
29 Sep 2010

Forging a Landmark Agreement To Save Canada’s Boreal Forest

Last spring, conservation groups and timber companies signed an historic agreement to protect a large swath of Canada’s boreal forest. In an interview with Yale Environment 360, the Pew Environment Group's Steven E.

Issue date: 
25 September 2010

Why Conservation Won't Save the World's Forests

And why we might need to sell forests to save them

Issue date: 
17 September 2010

Amerindians benefit from the Low Carbon Development Strategy

People often wonder at the number of legislations protecting the Amerindian people, but cut off as the Amerindians are from mainstream society, these revised laws are needed for many reasons, most importantly to preserve their way of life while protecting their rights as citizens of this country.

Issue date: 
September 18, 2010

Calm down about beetle-killed forests

Bill Gabbert in New West (US): …Sometimes land managers, when faced with a landscape of brown, ugly, beetle-killed trees, fall all over themselves finding additional taxpayer f

Issue date: 

Brazilian Forest Service launches sustainable forestry fund

A new initiative has been launched by Brazilian government agencies that will see the distribution of more that 2.2 million reals worth of funding to sustainable forestry projects before the end of the year.

The National Fund for Forestry Development (FNDF), which is being managed by the Brazilian Forest Service (SFB), is encouraging applications for funding from projects that aim to use the nation's forests in both enterprising and environmentally friendly ways.


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by Dr. Radut